No matter the magnitude or the hardships of the projects, Misalla is equipped to go.

FOAMGLAS is an insulation material manufactured by Pittsburgh Corning – Europe
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THE PHENOLIC FOAM insulation materials are procured from the European manufacturers in form of insulation blocks. Our suppliers of phenolic foam blocks are the leader manufacturers of phenolic technology i.e Resolco.
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Supply, fabrication, and installations of all types of industrial insulation systems. OPTIMAL SOLUTIONS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS!
SUPPLY: Industrial insulation materials are selected and adopted to suit each specification.
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Spray polyurethane foam, commonly referred to as SPF is a spray-applied insulating foam that is installed as a liquid and then expands many times its original size. Spray polyurethane foam can be adjusted and have many different physical properties depending on the use desired.
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ISo Certification

Our Quality Policy is not only a statement, it is an integral part of our corporate mission